
This page is going to take a lot of work.

Alter Introductions

NOTE: Not all of us are represented here. Some chose not to, some aren't for our own safety, and some aren't simply because we haven't gotten around to them. This site is for us, for fun.

System Introduction

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Inner World

"What's an inner world?"
An Inner World is described as... well, an internal world. A sort of mental space for someone's thoughts, their feelings, or even the place where your experiences "live." in a sense, everyone has one. It can be more symbolic, such as the overall wellbeing of your mental state and stress, or more functional, like physically thinking of where you lost something or walking through a memory.
In DID- and with PTSD / Personality disorders in general- the Inner World functions differently than with someone without these disorders. DID has the most complex structure of Inner Worlds- this varies person to person- being a space where alters interact and "live" when not fronting. The complexity and size of an inner world will vary system to system.
It's important to note that, although an inner world is usually seen as a safe space created by the brain during a period of severe trauma, these spaces aren't always safe or good or represent good things. It is often glamourized, and I understand why, but DID is not glamourous, and having an inner world isn't like having a fairy tale getaway. On this page we choose to talk more about the good things, using this page as a space to map out parts of our inner world and have fun finding photos that match, but we may also talk about the more troubling, frustrating, scary side of it. DID isn't a game, it's not a roleplay, and we aren't intending to treat it as such. This is in a way a coping strategy we use- journaling, visualizing, ect.Because parts of our inner world are related to traumatic events and places, we won't talk about every place, like we don't talk about every alter. this is our page, and the information we choose to give or not give, is up to us.